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Afterimages: Afro-Puerto Ricans Beyond the Archive

Please join the Committee on Social Theory for the first speaker in our Spring 2023 Speaker Series on the theme of Debility and After/ Alterlives happening on Friday, January 27 at 2 pm ET via Zoom ( with Dr. Yomaira Figueroa-Vásquez

This series will be featuring guest speakers engaging with how race, gender, class, nation, sexuality, and ability shape which bodies (both human and non-human) are rehabilitatable, which bodies are marked as contagious or toxic and in need of containment, and which bodies are consequently rendered disposable. The framing seminar which incorporates these guest speakers, ST600: Debility and After/ Alterlives, is co-taught by Dr. Crystal Felima, Dr. Nari Senanayake, Dr. Karrieann Soto Vega, and Dr. Anastasia Todd. 

Cover image featuring title of the speaker series, series' organizers, and a brief description of the series.