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Faculty Interests

A sampling of current faculty interests:

  • Communication and Cybernetic Theory
  • Contemporary Literary, Film, and Cultural Theory
  • Critical Race Theory
  • Democracy Theory
  • Development Theory
  • Early Science and Culture
  • Educational Policy
  • Environmental Analysis, Sustainability, and Policy
  • Globalization Studies
  • Historical and Contemporary Feminist Theory
  • Historical Gender Studies
  • History of Science
  • Intellectual and Disciplinary History
  • Literacy Theory
  • Modern and Contemporary Political Thought
  • Nation Theory
  • Organizational Theory
  • Philosophy of Social Science
  • Political Economy
  • Politics and Ideology
  • Postcolonial Theory
  • Social Change and Evolution
  • Social Movements
  • Social Ontology and Epistemology
  • Social Spatiality
  • Sociocultural Bodies
  • State Theory
  • War
  • Consumer Cultures
  • Law, Sex, Family